Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Do The Right Thing
This morning I got an email for ebay. I have it set up so that it emails me whenever a cross stitch item is listed with the words "earth dragon." However the picture shown was now the licensed Earth Dragon from Meineck, but a computer charting of the origninal Peter Pracownik painting. I sent an email to address listed on the artist's website, to notify him to the problem. He was not credited so it would be my guess he was also not paid for it. I feel better about it now, but right after, I felt sick to my stomach. I posted the story on one of the bulletin boards I visit, and since then, a couple people have posted supporting what I did.
I finished the long stripes above the words on Skeleton Crew. I also finished all the light stripes on the front of the hull. I've just got a few dark ones left, and the bottom of the boat, and I will be finished with the hull. I am done with DMC 613, and hope by tomorrow to be done with 611. Then I'll start the witch while I wait for the model. I got an email from Kat Rocha yesterday saying she put it in the mail Saturday. I'm so excited! I can't wait to start it!
I ate too much yesterday. Tacos are not good for my diet. I ate twice as much as I should've. I'll do better today. Today I did some extra aerobics, in addition to my strength traning. I've been doing the Denise Austin Fit & Lite in the morning. I don't really like her, but they are good workouts. It just bugs me that the health expert sounds like she's been smoking for twenty years!
posted by jymisgurl at 8:36 AM | Permalink |


At 12:36 PM, Blogger Belinda

You did the right thing :)