Monday, November 06, 2006
Best Laid Plans
So much for the wonderful weekend we had planned. Jymi was supposed to get off work at midnight, Friday night. The station where he was working is over an hour away, so I did not expect him home until 1:30 at the earliest. So at eleven, I decided to take a nice bubble bath and finish The End. I finished at about twelve. All I can say is "WOW!" I'm not usually surprised by movies or books anymore (too much Alfred Hitchcock), but this one left me with my mouth hanging open and crying for characters I never thought I would!
After that, I laid there, digesting it all. At 12:30 the phone rang. I figured it was Jymi, calling to let me know he was on his way home, knowing I would be going to bed soon. It was Latonya, his work partner. She called because Jymi asked her to let me know what was going on. Jymi had been contaminated, and he had to take a shower before he could leave. She assured me that he was fine, but they were going to be late, because there was no way of telling how long it would take to decontaminate him. Well, that sacred the hell out of me, and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until I knew Jymi was home. At one, he called me and said they were going to eat at Waffle House, and then come home. I couldn't concentrate enough to do anything until Jymi got home okay at 2:30. They had one more scare on the way home (Jymi rode with Latonya, and another guy, Joe). On the interstate, the almost hit a deer. It was Jymi, in the backseat, who pointed it out to the driver, who almost missed it (or not, depending on how you look at it)! They did all get home safely eventually.
Saturday, Latonya and another woman Jymi works with, and I went to breakfast and shopping. We had a great time. I got a new sweater to wear when Jymi and I went out and some stuff for the boys. Tobi needed some jeans and a jacket. They also had Doodle Monsters for eight dollars a piece. The boys have really wanted one of these, so I got them each one. I'm thinking of going back and getting one for Chris, too. I got home and took the boys to my mom's, who had Alcatraz bears for them from her visit last week to California. Jymi and I went to dinner, which was nice. After that, we went to the bookstore to buy my mom's birthday present. I wish I had a picture of Jymi's face when I told him I wanted to get my mom The Happy Hooker for her birthday. Jymi also bought me Wicked, because I'd wanted it for a while, and it was on sale. Then Jymi suggested we go to Pineville. It was fine with me, and we ended up going to Best Buy, because it was the only one in the area that carries Ghost Hunters Season 2, which Jymi wanted. We ended the evening by going to see Man Of The Year. It was very good! Laugh out loud funny, and at the same time pretty scary.
Sunday Jymi didn't feel well, so we didn't go to the Renaissance Festival. After lunch, I went to pick up the boys. When I got home, Jymi said he had to go to the store, and he wouldn't tell me why. He asked me to be out side when he got home. I asked if what he was getting would make me mad, and he said I would be sad. So I sit on the front porch, with all kinds of horrible things going through my mind. He came home with cigarettes, and I started yelling at him. He stopped me, and told me his unit called while I was gone. They are going to Iraq in the spring.
I cannot think of any kind of torture that could hurt more than this. Giving birth was less painful than this, and I've had both a C-section and a completely drug free birth. What are the boys going to think when Daddy leaves again? He's going to miss their birthdays and holidays. He'll miss Tobi's first day of school, and probably Darin's, too. What if the worst should happen? The boys are still so little, I don't think they'd remember him. Jymi doesn't want to tell his family until after his next drill in a couple weeks, but I don't think I can wait that long until I tell my mom or my sister. I'll need someone to talk to and cry on before then.
Needless to say, I haven't gotten much stitching done this busy weekend. It seems like everyone else gets the most stitching time on weekends, but I have to do most of my weekly errands when Jymi's home for the weekend. I did get some work done on my model last night, but I did have to stop and cry again. It seemed like everything I had recorded was about the military or people getting shot. I went to bed at one, and laid their and prayed for Jymi to be okay for at least another hour before falling asleep. It's not really surprising that I had nightmares for most of the night. Jymi woke me when he left to kiss me goodbye, and I turned on cartoons to take my mind off all the horrible thoughts that kept going through my head. So much for our wonderful weekend.

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posted by jymisgurl at 10:11 AM | Permalink |


At 2:33 PM, Blogger crosseyedkat

Hugs! The boys will remember him - my stepbrother's son definitely remeber's his daddy, even though he's spent most of his son's life away in Afghanistan. I hope things improve for you soon!


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Holley

Big hugs to you!

I know your boys will remember him. They are definitely old enough for that. And there are ways to keep in contact although it isn't the same I know.

Big hugs. You had a rough weekend.


At 5:36 AM, Blogger Sharon

Faye, I am so sorry that you had such a rough weekend. Your boys will remember and you will be there to help them remember. We will all pray for a safe deployment!



At 12:37 PM, Blogger Juls

{{{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}} My thoughts are with you and your family!!! Be hard as that my sound!


At 3:14 PM, Blogger Karoline



At 11:34 AM, Blogger Meari

At least everyone was OK. What a scary experience all around.