Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Another Castle Picture
I just wanted to post a picture of The Catsle. I worked on it yesterday for the Teresa Wentzler SAL. What's amazing is Jymi could look at it and tell what part of the picture I was stitching. I've been working on it staraight out of the book, but I gave up on that last night and went to the library to make working copies. We've got a copier/scanner/printer, but it's out of ink, and at the moment, it's alot cheap to go make four copies at the library than to buy more ink. The librarians were so happy to see me walk in at 8:30 when they close at nine.
I've been working on Persian, too, but not enough to bother posting a picture. I'll continue on it when I get my lazy butt off the computer.
I haven't gotten any of the Irish stuff kitted, started, or anything. I've decided to wait until I finish part three.
Jymi has a friend who lives in Florida, and he's visiting for the week. He's a nice guy, but whenever he visits, I don't see my husband until he leaves again. Tonight they're getting Japanese food and playing video games, while I babysit. Tomorrow we're all going out to McAllister's Deli for dinner. Their plans are to watch movies and play video games. Tobi and Darin's plans? To wach movies and play video games. Are the similarities between five- and three-year-old little boys and twenty-six-year-old men astounding?

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posted by jymisgurl at 10:31 AM | Permalink |


At 5:47 PM, Blogger Sharon

The castle is going to look fabulous on that fabric-very pretty. I didn't realize it had sparkles when I looked at it in your last post. Keep up the great progress.


At 5:24 PM, Blogger cathymk

Looking good! Love your fabby.


At 8:07 PM, Blogger Holley

The Castle is going to be great!

And the men are still remarkably similar at 36 too.


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Julie

What wonderful fabric you've chosen. The Castle was one of the first things I ever stitched. It was look fantastic on the sparkly fabric. x


At 10:40 PM, Blogger Arthemise

Nice progress. I really like that fabric too.


At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Well written article.