Saturday, July 28, 2007
One More Week!
For the first time in almost a year, I worked on Avatar. I got alot done on the clouds. I finally got all the half stitches done, and the whole stitches done in the same color! Next time, I'll finish the clouds, but for now it's put away for another year.
I also started Garden Fence. I love Weeks Dye Works Envy! It's the most gorgeous shades of green I have ever seen!
I got my fabric in last week. I started Cascade! This is the ultimate big ass project! The fabric is 21 inches by 40! I've got several hundred stitches in already. The first day went slow, since it was fifteen shades of brown, and all confetti. After that it was alot of black, and it's gone alot faster. I am loving this piece!
Jymi comes home in one more week! I am so excited! We decided not to tell the boys; just to surprise them. Jymi's planning to buy a teddy bear or something to bring home to them. He just finished emergency medical training. He seemed to really enjoy it, and is now considering becoming an EMT when he comes home. This morning he sent me a text saying he'd gotten promoted, too. He's pretty happy at the moment. I can't wait until he gets home!

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posted by jymisgurl at 10:54 AM | Permalink |


At 1:19 PM, Blogger Sharon

You are just stitching away! Great news about Jymi!