Monday, April 17, 2006
Lots Of Models
This is Song so far. Yesterday, after finishing Skeleton crew (still dancing from that), I had Easter dinner (lunch?) at my in-laws, and then I cleaned up all my stuff. I had some threads that needed to be "baggied" and, of course, all the threads from Skeleton Crew needed to be put away. By the time I had finished all that and got out all the new threads for Song and Giving, it was seven. J. was home, and we were fighting over who got to eat the leftovers. His grandparents are AMAZING cooks. They make exceptionally good macaroni and cheese. And we both needed a shower, and we were both exhausted. So not much progress on Song. I hope to finish it today.
This is my model for Cross Eyed Kat. She has put the picture up on her website, so I think it's okay to show mine. It's called iFob and will be released at the online show. I think they look really cool! I love the Dragons Welcome. There's a shock! I have all her other dragon charts, what's one more?

I decided not to bother keeping track of my nutrition stuff yesterday. With eating at my in-laws, I know I ate too much, and I know it would be almost impossible to really keep track. I did good, but not great. I tried to not take any of the desserts home. I told my grandmother-in-law I was trying to lose weight, and her reply was, "So am I. That's why I'm trying to give it to you!" She's such a nice, sweet person, I couldn't tell her no. So we now have Rice Crispy Treats, chocolate suckers, and Peeps on our kitchen table, and what's left of the half a cheesecake she sent home with me in the fridge. The Rice Crispy Treats she had made just because J. always liked them so much when he was little. J. had to work, and couldn't come, so I brought home a plate of leftovers for both of us. J. was not happy when I told him that was both our dinners. He left me half (which he was not happy about), but it turned out he couldn't have eaten it all anyway. He finished his plate and I asked if he wanted mine. He said no, he had just enough room left for some cheesecake. This was when he (jokingly) threatened to fight me for the cheesecake. What can I say? My husband's a dorkball. I wouldn't have it any other way!
posted by jymisgurl at 8:29 AM | Permalink |