Monday, April 10, 2006
I finished my April goal of finishing five ornaments. I did Dragon Dreams Christmyth Unicorn, Giant, Griffon, Fairy, and Pheonix. I've started back on Skeleton Crew. I've done the witch's hat and hair. I will work on it more this afternoon, but I now have to get ready to take the boys to the store. I charted something for a customer (a saying we could not find a pattern for), but of course I'm out of printer paper.
I weighed in this morning at 150. I've lost another two pounds since last week! I've only got forty more to go! I stayed in all my ranges yesterday. I've done good so far, but now I've got to find something for dinner. Tacos sound good. That should even be okay, if I don't snack all afternoon. I walked yesterday evening. I hope to walk again today.
I'm also hoping J. finds out what day he's going to have off this week. This stupid outage is really screwing with my schedlue. I'm probably going to have to find a babysitter for next Saturday. Deep breath. It's all good. Que sera, sera.
posted by jymisgurl at 1:08 PM | Permalink |