Sunday, August 06, 2006
Wouldn't You Know It
I got a call from the shop yesterday afternoon. The day after I pick up my other threads, my Glorianas came in. Oh well. I was going in next Friday anyway to pick up my kit. They're out of alot of the usually in stock Needlepoint Inc. silks, so they may have those in, too, by Friday. They ship fast. It's usually there about three days after they order.
I worked on Snowfight: Blue yesterday. After meaning to get it done for three months, I've started. I was doing really good untiil some neighborhood boys sat at out gate, making the dogs bark. I went ahead and fed them, all the while the boys asking how much we had paid for Aurora, and then if they could buy her from us! Of course, I told them no, and they left. As soon as I got back inside, Jymi called. He and another guy from drill had gotten a hotel room so they wouldn't have to sleep at the armory. Then we had a fight because we didn't have the money to pay for a hotel room, and I had told him that! He had to go get dinner, and I couldn't stitch while I was so mad at him! I'd make too many mistakes. I started again after he called back and apologized. It was too late to do anything about the money, but it will be the things he wants that we will go without for the next couple weeks. By the time we got off the phone, it was eleven. I stitched for another hour, then went to bed.
I can't sleep well when Jymi's gone. I guess I need someone to snore, kick me, and elbow me in the head all night long. So I couldn't get to sleep until on, and I couldn't sleep past seven. That doesn't sound so bad, but I usually sleep from midnight to nine, so that's three hours less than I'm used to. So I am not in the best mood this morning. Darin isn't either. He woke up thrwing a tantrum because he was hungry. He threw it all the way to the kitchen where he knocked over his milk. Then he had a tantrum about that. After that, he got mad at me because I told him not to put his straw in the heating/air conditioning vent. Now he's throwing himself at the door, because he's mad that I put him in time out. He doesn't seem to understand that he can come out as soon as he calms down. Tobi knows this very well, and keeps telling him, "Be quiet, Darin! Then you can play!" What Darin doesn't know is I used to throw temper-tantrums that lasted for days. I can go as long as he can. It's going to be a hell of a day, and it's only 9:15. God, please give me strength!
posted by jymisgurl at 8:01 AM | Permalink |


At 10:55 AM, Blogger Holley



At 10:49 PM, Blogger Dani - tkdchick

Sorry to hear you miss your other half.

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets elbows in the head (sometimes the face) in the middle of the night!