Wednesday, May 03, 2006
My Family Has Taken Over
Monday morning, I watched Sunday night's episode of Desperate Housewives. The end, in which the baby is taken away, made me cry for about half an hour. It brought back all the nightmares I used to have about policemen taking my babies and telling me I was too young to be a good mother. This also explains why I felt nothing but terror when the policeman came in the shop to tell us they were closing the parking lot when the vice president came to town (full story here). I thought it was leftover from my wild teenage days, but I now think it was a subconscious fear of policemen from the dreams. So I spent most of the day playing with the boys. I went for a walk that evening, and then J. and I watch Fun With Dick And Jane after the boys went to bed.
Yesterday, first thing in the morning, I took the boys for haircuts. D. was very well behaved, which was lucky, because T. did not want to cooperate with the hairdresser. I made sure to give them each a very nice tip for their patience with the boys. They each got a sucker, which they had finished by the time we got to the car. Then we went to the shop, and the bank, where they got another sucker. Then we went to Best Buy to pick up a CD J. wanted. Since they were good all day at places they didn't want to be, I treated them to Burger King for lunch. So they had a week's worth of junk food in a day. In the evening, my sister called. She works at a theater, and she and her husband had been invited to a screening of Mission Impossible 3. I was going to babysit, but by the time I got there, my sister told me they weren't going; it would be awkward with some of the other people who were going to be there. I was looking forward to spending some time with C. and A., my nephew and niece respectively. So I stayed, and the four of us played Harry Potter Scene It?. My brother-in-law was still at work. After two games, it was time for the kids to go to bed. We had fun playing together. My sister and I then took their dog, Bagel, out to the backyard to play/potty for a few minutes. After a while, we went back in. I told her I was going to go ahead on home, but everyone would be asleep when I got there. She suggested I take a movie pass, and go see a movie. It sounded good, so I went to see The Sentinel. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. It was pretty straight forward for a government conspiracy movie.
To sum it up, I'm so off my diet, and I haven't gotten much stitching done. However, I was spending time with people who mean the world to me, so it was more than a fair trade.
posted by jymisgurl at 9:23 AM | Permalink |